Gate Access for Residents
Residents may use gate remotes, personal entry codes (press the # key first, then your 4-digit personal code), or EZ tags on their vehicles for easy access to our community.
New homeowners who are not furnished entry gate openers as part of their home purchase may purchase replacement gate openers for $40 each. Contact Crest Management to purchase and collect new or additional remotes. Tenants should contact their landlords.
All homeowners and tenants should use the Gate Access Registration form to request personal gate entry codes, gate remotes (must be purchased at Crest if not part of your house purchase), and/or EZ tag registration.
Please also use the Gate Access form for updating EZ tag requests when emailing requests to Crest Management or the HOA. And please advise if an older EZ tag registration should be removed such as when a EZ tag is no longer valid, due to the sale of the vehicle or when a vehicle is no longer in use by a household member.
SPECIAL NOTICE: Pedestrian Gate Access
Residents should note that the pedestrian gate code was change in early October 2024. Residents on file with the HOA were notified via a series of emails. If you did not receive such emails, please contact Crest Management for further details.
Gate Access for Visitors & Contractors
There are directions on the entry keypad. However, as an FYI, your guest or contractor should select your name in the entry directory by scrolling and pressing the "Call" button. The system calls your designated telephone number from the directory keypad. To buzz them into the gates, simply answer your phone and press "9."
It is advisable to have a name and phone number for the gate system. FYI, your guest caller does not see your phone number. Instead, the system dials the number you provided on the gate form without revealing your telephone number.
Surveillance Cameras
Surveillance cameras are in use, and it is hoped these will work with the gates to decrease casual visitors to the neighborhood, especially those individuals looking for opportunities for mischief or harm to the community.
However, all residents should remember that even a gate and cameras cannot deter someone determined and intent on entering the community. Residents are reminded that it is always the best policy to keep their doors and gates locked, their cars parked in their garages, and to report suspicious activity to the police at 9-1-1.
Gate Access Etiquette
Residents are urged to let all household members and guests know how to enter the community properly and safely. Each household member or guest should be given either your entry code to enter or a gate remote to open the gates safely or be instructed to use the gate directory* to dial your registered phone so that you can "buzz" them into our community safely.
Residents are asked to inform visitors and contractors that attempting to enter through the exit gates is not advisable. Damage to the gates and the vehicle is very likely and dangerous for people trying to exit properly.
Be sure to advise contractors and other visitors on how to exit the neighborhood gates. The exit gates open inwards, and vehicles should come to a complete stop where indicated BEFORE the painted white line (there are three signs advising of where to stop) and in the middle of the exit area lane.